Shandong Foru Tech Co., Ltd.

Introduction and Safety Requirements for Warehouse Freight Elevator

The warehouse freight elevator is a large electromechanical device integrating mechanical and electrical systems. It is primarily designed for transporting goods and meets the transportation needs of cargo in industrial production and warehousing logistics.

Introduction to Warehouse Freight Elevators

Types of Warehouse Freight Elevators

According to the usage environment and functional requirements, the elevator can generally be divided into ordinary warehouse freight elevators and special warehouse freight elevators. Ordinary warehouse freight elevators are used for general cargo transportation, while special warehouse freight elevators are suitable for special locations and purposes, such as explosion-proof warehouse freight elevators, non-commercial automobile elevators, oversized warehouse freight elevators, etc.

Application Fields of Warehouse Freight Elevators

They are mainly used in industrial manufacturing, warehousing logistics, commerce, agriculture, and other fields. They are suitable for transporting heavy or large materials, parts, or finished products on production lines, and so on.

Structure of Warehouse Freight Elevators

Includes components such as guide rails, carriages, electrical systems, safety protection devices, door systems, traction systems, etc.

Main Technical Parameters of Warehouse Freight Elevators

Includes rated load capacity, rated speed, number of floor doors, door opening methods, carriage area, control methods, etc.

Main Safety Devices of Warehouse Freight Elevators

Includes ascending overspeed protection devices, limit switches, door lock devices, overload protection devices, speed limiter safety gears, buffers, etc., to ensure the safe operation of the elevator.

Safety Requirements for Using Warehouse Freight Elevators

Follow the regulations when riding

There are usually load and number limits inside the warehouse freight elevator. Follow the regulations when riding, do not overload or exceed the passenger limit. If the items to be transported are too large or too heavy, transport them in batches to avoid overloading.

Pay attention to the warehouse freight elevator doors

When entering and exiting the warehouse freight elevator, pay attention to the state of the elevator doors. Ensure that the elevator doors are fully open before entering or exiting to avoid getting caught.

Pay attention to the placement of goods

When transporting goods, be mindful of the center of gravity and stability of the items. Goods should be neatly placed, not stacked too high, or unbalanced. Stability should be maintained during the elevator operation to prevent the goods from swaying.

Pay attention to emergency facilities

The interior of the warehouse freight elevator should be equipped with complete emergency facilities, such as emergency lighting and emergency alarms.

For warehouse freight elevators whose carriage area exceeds the specified limits to meet usage requirements, the rated load capacity should be indicated in a position visible from the loading and unloading area of the layer station. This type of elevator is exclusively for transporting specific lightweight goods, ensuring that, when fully loaded, the total mass of the goods does not exceed the rated load capacity. Designated personnel should operate this elevator, and strictly limit personnel entry, among other rules. Additionally, note that non-commercial automobile elevators are only for carrying small passenger cars and are exclusively used by trained users approved by the unit, and not for other purposes such as carrying people or goods.